Her hands were empty.
Her eyes were undried.
Her smile no longer existed.
Her heart was paralyzed.
A knock sounded in her heart.
She walked up to the door.
She only let it in a little,
But it constantly asked for more.
It paralyzed her heart;
It began to take its toll.
It robbed her of her joy;
It began to rule her soul.
It had its walls around her heart:
A callous in the making,
But one last cry of desperation
Set these walls to shaking.
Then a voice of triumph was heard
In every corner of her heart.
Immediately that pesky fear
Scrambled desperately to depart.
The voice drew her nearer
Into the presence of the Lord,
And as she got closer
She couldn't help but be floored.
She ventured further in,
And she began to understand.
Ashamed for letting fear inside,
She expected nothing but reprimand.
She hung her head in shame,
And she heard that tender voice.
Lifting up her tear-filled eyes
She listened to her choice:
"Fear paralyzed your heart;
Fear has taken its toll.
Fear robbed you of your joy;
Don't let fear rule your soul!
I've put my joy inside you;
It's there for you to share.
This joy is made unquenchable
Just so you'll know I'm there.
This joy is much more powerful
Than anything you'll face.
When paired with love this joy will put
That fear back in its place."
Then the Lord reached down
And wiped her tears away.
She smiled, put her hand in His,
And vowed to follow Him always.
"Take this joy inside
And seal it to your heart,
And when the path gets rocky,
It still will not depart.
Cherish my love forever;
Be careful to hold it dear.
When the enemy attacks you
This love will cast out all your fear."
Now her hands are no longer empty.
Her eyes are filled with joy.
Her smile radiates God's glory.
His love her heart employs.