Monday, January 23, 2017

Five Tips for Making it Through the Whole30

I am writing you from day 20 of the "controversial" Whole30 diet...and let me tell you, it has been a ride.

I did my first Whole30 in January of 2016, although I later found out there were quite a few rules that I didn't know existed, so I'm counting this as my first "official" Whole30.

Without getting too complicated, this grains, no dairy, no sweeteners, no legumes. So basically, you eat lean meats, vegetables, and a small amount of fruit and nuts, and some fats like olive oil and avocados, etc. (You can see the in-depth rules at

My first Whole30 jump-started my 20 pound weight loss, because with my autoimmune issues, I needed to find out what I was allergic to. A lot of people use this meal plan (not diet) like I eliminate all allergens for 30 days and then slowly add them back in to see which ones give you problems. I found out I was reacting to gluten, cut that out, and added everything else back in. And it has changed the way I feel!

Now I'm on Round 2, and somehow I have gone 20 days without my fries and coke every day...and I have some tips for those of you that are wrapping up your January Whole30, or those who are thinking about maybe, possibly doing it in the future.

1) Have a partner.

My first time around, I did it by myself. It was terrible and so hard. There was no one to reprimand me if I just had onneee Reese's cup.
My lowest moment in my first Whole30 was when I was craving cheesecake (which breaks all three of the major rules). I drove all the way to Cook Out at 2am to get a piece of cheesecake in the DRIVE THRU. Then I ate it in the back of the parking lot and threw away the evidence.
This time around, I have a partner to cheer me on...and that I would have to tell if I cheated. It's made life so much easier, and I have more motivation to finish strong.

2) Meal Plan for One Week at a Time and Make a Grocery List

This has been a life saver. I've Pinterested recipes, gotten some off of the Whole30 Instagram and website, and found some recipes that fit the qualifications and LOOKED appetizing. Make a grocery list with your meal plan and stick to it.
If you hate salads (like me...I am not a rabbit), then don't plan to eat salads for lunch every day.

3) Get Rid of Any Non-Whole30 Foods in Your Home

This is key for success. No, I don't care if that bag of chips is unopened. Give it to a homeless man. Throw it out. Don't have it in your house. Because inevitably, you'll come home from work hangry and won't want to wait the 30 minutes it takes to bake a chicken breast or even the few minutes it takes to microwave a sweet potato, and you'll grab those tortilla chips and salsa and say "well at least it's gluten free." NO. Throw it away and don't tempt yourself.

4) Choose a Day of the Week to Grocery Shop and Meal Prep

One day of the week should be reserved to meal prep your breakfasts and lunches, and maybe even dinners. If you're like me, you don't have time to cook each night, and cooking once a week sounds much more time-conscious then again, coming home hangry and not wanting to cook. Note: this means buying plenty of storage containers and having lots of fridge space.

5) Keep Reminding Yourself that You WILL Feel Better

The first days are BRUTAL. No sugar, no coke. TERRIBLE.
I'm not on the other side yet, but I'm on day 20 and I'm feeling fantastic. I can't even imagine what day 30 will feel like.
Is it inconvenient sometimes? Yes. Especially when eating out. Cooking most of your meals is time consuming, especially if you're used to eating out or on the go all the time.
But from day 20, I am telling you...eating healthy feels amazing.
Am I going to add in some things at the end that I'm not eating now? Yes, probably. But there's a lot I won't add back in too.
I was an insomniac, taking at least an hour to fall asleep every night. Now I fall asleep within minutes of putting my head on the pillow.
I had a very unhealthy relationship with food (something I'm still working on now). My cravings had total control of me, and I was overly obsessed with how much I weighed and how many calories I was eating.

Now I feel good just listening to my body and how I feel. I don't have to count calories, and I don't feel like I have to eat every last bite on my plate so I don't waste food.

If you commit to the Whole30 and find people who will support you through just might be the step you need to a better you!

Most importantly...remember:

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